The beginning of my artistic creation is about studying structure and texture in every field of fine arts I practice. It concerns issues related to the identity of the individual and ways of expressing that identity through the human body.
In my work I narrate attempts to create one's identity and consequences of that process.
I am a silent observer commenting reality. My graphics express my personal view on the world.
- Prizes and Awards
- Publications
- Compilations, collective works
- Online publications
- Solo Exhibitions
- Other artistic accomplishments
- Group exhibitions
• distinction for the series of photos “Utrata” [“Loss”] at IV International Review of Contemporary Photography "The Man Next to Me", Białystok;
• nomination for an award at 5 Biennial Student Graphics Contest in Poznań for a piece from series called “Figura”;
• distinction for the series of photos “Wyczekiwanie” [“Waiting”] at Absurdalia Festival in Katowice;
• honorary distinction at 6 International Biennial of Miniature Art in Częstochowa;
• I Prize at III Ludwig Meidner’s Polish Graphic Contest in Oleśnica;
• Grand Prix at I International Triennial Digital Media Competition in Radom [Triennale Mediów Cyfrowych w Radomiu];
• honorary distinction at 7. Biennial Student Graphics Contest in Poznań;
• distinction, „Dyplom. Początek drogi”, Internet Biennial of Young Polish Art Contest, Academy of Fine Arts, Kraków;
• nomination for an award at „42. Winter Saloon”, University of Technology and Humanities of Radom;
• nomination for an CANSON award at 8 Triennial Polish Graphic Arts in Katowice;
• distinction at IV Ludwig Meidner’s Polish Graphic Contest in Oleśnica;
• Artist’s Award at VI International Graphic Art Biennial, Split, Chorwacja;
• Prize of the President of the Warsaw District of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers at IV International Biennial Digital Graphic Arts Contest in Gdynia
• Special prize from Department of Fine Arts at University in Olsztyn at V International Biennial Digital Graphic Arts Contest in Gdynia
I was born in 1985 in Bytom, Poland. In 2004 I received Polish Prime Minister’s Scholarship for outstanding academic achievements. In 2004 I started studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice. I graduated at Planographic printmaking with distinction in 2009. My thesis supervisor was Dariusz Gajewski, PhD. My thesis was submitted into “Best thesis of 2009. Student and supervisor” review by Polish Graphic Triennial in Kraków. I got my doctoral degree in 2014 at Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice. My doctoral thesis subject was “De-reconstruction of identity. Image in the age of new media.”.
After graduating I’ve started working as an Interior Design Faculty assistant at University of Technology in Katowice. From October 2010 till September 2011 I was an assistant to professor Roman Skowron teaching Drawing at Graphics Faculty. From February 2011 till September 2015 I was teaching my original Graphic course at Silesian University of Information, Technology and Medicine in Chorzów. Since October 2011 I've been teaching Graphics at Katowice Institute of Information Technologies. I was co-author of the curriculum of the newly created faculty of Designing Visual Game Components at Silesian University of Information, Technology and Medicine in Chorzów. I participated in workshop activities for kids during the University's Open Day in 2012 and during the 5th Science Festival in Chorzów in 2013. In 2013 I created the Student Art Gallery “Prowizorka'' and organised it’s first exhibition featuring work of the most gifted students. Since 2013 I have been regularly organising and leading art workshops with students of Katowice Institute of Information Technologies. Since 2014 I have worked at Games and Interactive Graphics faculty at University College of Enterprise in Chorzów, where I also hold a position of Erasmus Programme coordinator. In January of 2016 I became a faculty coordinator of Graphics at Katowice Institute of Information Technologies. I am also the thesis supervisor for students. I was the chairman of the diploma committee multiple times. I am a member of the Faculty Council and the Senate at University College of Enterprise in Chorzów and Katowice Institute of Information Technologies. In 2017 I went for a monthly contract to MIADA Chongqing UNIVERSITY, China.
Furthermore, I have taken part in numerous artistic workshops both in Poland and abroad, including a graphic workshop at the KAUS International Center for Artistic Graphics in Urbino, Italy. In 2016 I participated in the Thematic Portfolio at the International Graphic Conference in Portland, United States.
• „21 ASP Katowice. Studenci z pracowni prof. Zbigniewa Blukacza”, Chorzów 2006, wyd. F.ART Studio Projektowe & Galeria, s. 9
• „Człowiek obok mnie. Przegląd fotografii współczesnej”, Białystok 2006, wyd. Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury, s. 7
• „Inspiracje”, Gliwice/Zabrze 2007, wyd. Urząd Miasta Zabrze, M – Studio Zabrze, s. 14–15, ISBN 978-83-88427-62-6;
• „5. Biennale Grafiki Studenckiej”, Poznań 2007, wyd. Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Poznaniu, s. 72, ISBN 978-83400-27-8
• „Urbino – miasto grafiki / Urbino – Citta degli Incisori”, Łódź 2008, wyd. Miejska Galeria Sztuki w Łodzi, s. 151, ISBN 978-83-89216-60-1
• „A jednak grafika”, Kraków 2008, wyd. Stowarzyszenie Międzynarodowe Triennale, s. 29, ISBN 83-88890-46-8
• „Koszarowa 17. Grafika Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Katowicach”, Katowice 2008, wyd. Folia Academiae, s. 79, ISBN 978-83-61424-01-7
• „Rocznik Muzealny Siemianowicki”, nr 7 2008, art: Krystian Hadiasz „Otwarcie Galerii Multimedialnej 'Piwnica' w Muzeum Miejskim w Siemianowicach Śląskich. Wystawa 'Dialog z cyfrowym cieniem 3'”, Siemianowice Śląskie 2008, wyd. Muzeum Miejskim w Siemianowicach Śląskich, s. 239 –242, ISSN 1644-8154
• „6. Biennale Grafiki Studenckiej”, Poznań 2009, wyd. Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Poznaniu, s. 61, ISBN 978-83-88400-40-1
• „Grand Prix Młodej Grafiki Polskiej”, Kraków 2009, wyd. Stowarzyszenie Międzynarodowe Triennale, s. 109, ISBN 978-83-88890-55-0
• „Katedra Grafiki / Grafik der Kunstakademie Katowice”, Katowice 2010, wyd. Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Katowicach, s.54, ISBN 978-83-61424-32-1
• „II Międzynarodowe Biennale Grafiki Cyfrowej”, Gdynia 2010, wyd. Stowarzyszenie Promocji Artystów Wybrzeża ERA ART, s. 63
• „MATRICES 2010 International Electrographic Art Exhibition of Small Forms”, Budapeszt 2010, wyd. Hungarian Electrographic Art Association – MET, s. 58, ISBN 978-963-88263-1-2
• „6. Międzynarodowe Biennale Miniatury”, Częstochowa 2010, wyd. Ośrodek Promocji Kultury „Gaude Mater”, s. 13, ISBN 978-83-89327-85-7
• „III Ogólnopolski Konkurs im. Ludwika Meidnera”, Oleśnica 2010, wyd. Powiatowa i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Mikołaja Reja, s. 13, ISBN EAN 9788391998724
• „Z życia Politechniki Radomskiej”, nr 4 (39) listopad – grudzień 2010, art: Aneta Mirosz „Triennale Mediów Cyfrowych”, Radom 2010, wyd. Politechniki Radomskiej, s.2,ISSN 1642-1256
• „Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Miesięcznik społeczności akademickiej”, nr 7 (181) październik 2010, art: „55 Galeria Grafiki Biblioteki Sztuki”, Zielona Góra 2010, wyd. Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, s. 26–27, ISSN 1644-7867
• „Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Miesięcznik społeczności akademickiej”, nr 8 (182) listopad 2010, Zielona Góra 2010, wyd. Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, s. 55, ISSN 1644-7867
• „Zeszyty artystyczne”, nr 20 grudzień 2010, art: Jerzy Kaczmarek „O społecznej treści prac prezentowanych na Biennale Grafiki Studenckiej”, Poznań 2010, wyd. Uniwersytet Artystyczny w Poznaniu, s.78, ISSN 1232-6682
• „7. Biennale Grafiki Studenckiej”, Poznań 2011, wyd. Uniwersytet Artystyczny w Poznaniu, s. 34, ISBN 978-83-88400-43-8
• „Dyplom – początek drogi. Internetowe Biennale Młodej Polskiej Sztuki”, Kraków 2011, wyd. Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie, s. 22–23
• „IMPRINT 2011”, Warszawa 2011, wyd. Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie, s. 162, ISBN 978-83-61558-73-6
• „IV Ogólnopolski Konkurs im. Ludwika Meidnera”, Oleśnica 2011, wyd. Powiatowa i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Mikołaja Reja, s. 27, ISBN: EAN 9788391998748
• „RIK Radomski Informator Kulturalny 'Nostalgiczne tony'”, art: „Galeria Rogatka. Natalia Romaniuk 'Dekonstrukcja tożsamości'”, nr 11 listopad 2011, Radom 2011, wyd. Urząd Miejski w Radomiu, s. 23–24, ISBN 978-83-932328-8-8
• „arteria” Rocznik Wydziału Sztuki Politechniki Radomskiej, nr 9/2011, art: Mariusz A. Dański „Sztuka młodych – rzecz o I MTMC Radom 2010”, Radom 2011, wyd. Politechniki Radomskiej, s. 85 – 87, ISSN 1895-5827
• „42. Salon Zimowy. Ciąg Dalszy”, Radom 2011, wyd. Politechniki Radomskiej, s. 25
• „5 Splitgraphic. International Graphic Art Biennale”, Split 2011, wyd. Cultural Association Splitgraphic, s.103
• „10th Lessedra World Art Print Annual Mini Print”, Sofia 2011, wyd. LESSEDRA Gallery & Contemporary Art Projects, s. 37,
• „Śląskie miejsca”, Barbara Firla, Katowice 2012, wyd. Muzeum Śląskie, s.66, ISBN 978-83-62593-16-3
• „7th International Triennial of Graphic Art Bitola”, Bitola 2012, wyd. Municipality Bitola s. 237, ISBN 978-608-4522-16-4
• „Śląsk. Miesięcznik społeczno – kulturalny. Nr 4 (198). Rok XVIII. Kwiecień 2012”, Katowice 2012, wyd. Górnośląskie Towarzystwo Literackie w Katowicach, s. 89, ISSN 1425-3917 NR INDEKSU 33328X
• „arteria” Rocznik Wydziału Sztuki Politechniki Radomskiej nr 10/2012, Radom 21012, wyd. Politechniki Radomskiej, s.22-28, ISSN 1895-5827
• „8. Triennale Grafiki Polskiej”, Katowice 2012, wyd. Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej BWA, ISBN 978-83-88254-69-7
• III Międzynarodowe Biennale Grafiki Cyfrowej, Gdynia 2012, wyd. Stowarzyszenie Promocji Artystów Wybrzeża ERA ART, s.66,
• „Aukcja młodej sztuki”, Warszawa 2012, wyd. DESA UNICUM, s.23, ISBN 978-83-63230-24-1
• „Transgrafika. Polish Artists in Mariusz Kazana Art Collection”, Warszawa 2013, wyd. Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Guangzhou, s. 40
• „Aukcja młodej sztuki”, Warszawa 2013, wyd. DESA UNICUM, s.32, ISBN 978-83-63230-53-1
• „Klub Pastel. 25 lat działalności” , Zabrze 2013, wyd. Muzeum Miejskie w Zabrzu, M-Studio, s.49, ISBN 978-83-62023-49-3
• „6. Splitgraphic. International Graphic Art Biennial”, Split 2013, wyd. Cultural Association Splitgraphic, s.70, ISBN 978-953-56861-0-1
• zimowy2014, isbn 978-83-62805-49-5 Radom 2014 wyd. Stowarzyszenie Artystów Plastyków i Miłośników Sztuki „pARTja” w Radomiu, Wydział Sztuki Uniwersytetu Technologiczno-humanistycznego im.K.Pułaskiego, s.27
• Grafika cyfrowa, Galeria Środowisk Twórczych, Bielsko Biała
• IV Międzynarodowe Biennale Grafiki Cyfrowej, Gdynia 2014, wyd. Stowarzyszenie Promocji Artystów Wybrzeża ERA ART, s.38,
• kalendarz na 2015, „Kolekcja sztuki im. Mariusza Kazany”
• 8. MTG Kolor w Grafice / 8th IPT Color in Graphic Art / Toruń 2015, Duety / Duets, Galeria Sztuki Wozownia, Toruń 2015, s. 67, ISBN 978-83-63211-51-6
• Grand Prix Młodej Grafiki Polskiej Kraków 2015, wyd. Stowarzyszenie Międzynarodowe Triennale,s.62, ISBN 978-83-65220-01-1
• 9.Triennale Grafiki Polskiej, wyd.Akademia Szuk Pięknych w Katowicach,s.107, ISBN 978-83-61424-74-1
Najlepsze Dyplomy „Grafika” – Stowarzyszenie Triennale Grafiki, Kraków;
EUROPEANA - European Digital Library; – review of contemporary graphics Art Time2, Great Britain; – miniature forms in graphics review, Miniprint Annual 2011 – virtual art gallery – platform that allows showcasing portfolios – blog where I showcase my art pieces – fanpage – Baza Zbożowa On-line Gallery – Splitgraphic, Chorwacja archive
26th of Nov – 7th of Dec, „Cechy tożsamości” [“Features of Identity”], Absurdalia Festival, Rondo Sztuki Cafe,, Katowice
• 22nd of – 31st of July, „Cechy tożsamości” [“Features of Identity”], „Unikat” Gallery, Chorzów
• 24th of June – 31st of Aug, „Być człowiekiem to znaczy udawać człowieka” [“To be a human means to imitate a human”], Miriam Art Gallery, Tychy
• 15th of Oct – 15th of Nove, „Być człowiekiem to znaczy udawać człowieka” [“To be a human means to imitate a human”], University of Zielona Góra Library, Zielona Góra
• 28th of Oct – 18th of Nov, „Dekonstrukcja tożsamości” [“De-reconstruction of identity”],Rogatka Gallery at University of Technology and Humanities, Radom
• 4th of Nov, „Cechy tożsamości” [“Features of Identity”], Instytut Mikołowski Gallery, Mikołów
• 15th of March, „Dekonstrukcja tożsamości” [“De-reconstruction of identity”], Ateneum Gallery, Katowice
• 15th – 27th of June, „De-rekonstrukcja tożsamości. Obraz w dobie mediów cyfrowych. Natalia Romaniuk” [“De-reconstruction of identity. Image in the age of new media. Natalia Romaniuk”], Association of Polish Artists and Designers, Galeria 022, Warszawa
• 4th of Dec, „De-rekonstrukcja tożsamości” [“De-reconstruction of identity.”], Gallery of Contemporary Art, Ostrów Wielkopolski
• 11th of Feb – 4th of March, „De-rekonstrukcja” [“De-reconstruction”], Patio2 Gallery, Academy of Humanities and Economics, Łódź
• 10th of May – 2nd of Sept, „Obsadzono mnie w roli” [“I was casted in the role”], theater and film department of Museum of Katowice, „Galeria Kopernika 11” gallery, Katowice
• 11th of Jan -17th of Feb, "Tysiące Niepewności" [“Thousands of uncertainties”], OdNowa Gallery, Toruń
• 31st of Jan, "De/rekonstrukcja tożsamości" [“De/reconstruction of identity.”], Centrum Ekspozycyjne Stara Kotłownia Gallery, Olsztyn
• participation in an outdoor project at Łask district, Poland, goal of which was to create a series of paintings with important historic buildings in the city and its vicinity;
• 29th of July - 6th of August, project “Lithuanian Days in Upper Silesia. On the 100th anniversary of Mikolajus Konstantinas Ciurlionis' stay in Beskidy area'' part of Beskidy Culture Week organised by Silesian Filharmony, Friends of Filharmony Society, Honorary Lithuanian Consul in Katowice, Music Academy in Katowice, Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, Lithuanian Academy of Theater and Music and Academy of Fine Arts in Wilno. Project’s goal was to strengthen the cooperation of painters and composers and honor the memory of Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurlionis - composer, graphic designer, painter.
• participation in “Graphic Workshop” project, KAUS Urbino International Art Centre, Urbino, Italy
• “Urbino - miasto grafiki” [Urbino - city of graphics] exhibition, Ośrodek Propagandy Sztuki, The City Art Gallery, Łódź;
• participation in “Best thesis of 2009. Student and supervisor” review by Polish Graphic Triennial in Kraków, Poland
• participation in “Art Time 2” program - contemporary art review, Great Britain;
• participation in IconData program - virtual contemporary graphics museum;
• co-author of the curriculum of the newly created faculty of Designing Visual Game Components at Silesian University of Information Technology and Medicine in Chorzów;
• participation in conference and workshop „Bieguny. Korespondencja Sztuk Pięknych” [Fine art correspondences bieguny / poles];
• participation in IconData program - virtual contemporary graphics museum;
• co-organizing workshops for kids, with Ewa Kozłowska Ph.D., during Open Day in march 2012 at Silesian University of Information Technology and Medicine in Chorzów
• creating at at Silesian University of Information Technology and Medicine in Chorzów students art gallery “Prowizorka”, organising first exhibition of best students art pieces; overseeing the gallery logo design contest and selecting the best project
• co-organizing workshops for kids, with Ewa Kozłowska Ph.D., during during the 5th Science Festival in Chorzów, at Silesian University of Information Technology and Medicine in Chorzów; organizing associated art exhibition;
• organizing art workshop with with first-year full-time students from the University of Information Technology in Katowice, topic: “Community” [10th to 15th of June 2013, and 25th to 29th od September 2013] - based on site specific and land art; creating a photographic darkroom and developing photos on photographic paper;
• supervision and management of the Student Digital Graphics Club at the University of Information Technology in Katowice (in preparation)
• conducting the first part of the "Drawing and painting" course as part of the "Better start on the labor market" project implemented with the funds of the European Social Fund in the Complex of Technical and General Schools No. 1 in Chorzów;
• supervision and management of the Student Digital Graphics Club at the University of Information Technology in Katowice;
• co-organizing workshops for kids, with Ewa Kozłowska Ph.D., during during the 6th Science Festival in Chorzów, at Silesian University of Information Technology and Medicine in Chorzów [3rd of April]; organizing associated art exhibition;
• organizing art workshop with with first-year full-time students from the University of Information Technology in Katowice, topic: “Habitat” [25th to 27th of July 2014 and 8th to 10th of August 2014];
• supervision and management of the Student Digital Graphics Club at the University of Information Technology in Katowice;
• conducting the first part of the "Drawing and painting" course as part of the "Better start on the labor market" project implemented with the funds of the European Social Fund in the Complex of Technical and General Schools No. 1 in Chorzów;
• organizing poster exhibition of students of the University of Information Technology in Katowice, “Don’t make war, make posters” at Cultural Center Andromeda, “Wielokran”, Tychy, Poland - 21st of June;
• organizing art workshop with with first-year full-time students from the University of Information Technology in Katowice, topic: “Site-specific” [24th to 28th of June 2015 and 16th to 20th of September 2015];
• supervision and management of the Student Digital Graphics Club at the University of Information Technology in Katowice;
• assistance in organizing the exhibition of students' works at University College of Enterprise in Chorzów;
• organizing poster exhibition of students of the University of Information Technology in Katowice, Absurdalna Gallery, Katowice (13th of April 2016) in cooperation with Justyna Rybak;
• organization of a postgraduate exhibition of Emilia Duka, Absurdalna Gallery, Katowice, Poland [15th of June 2016];
• organizing art workshop with with first-year full-time students from the University of Information Technology in Katowice, topic: “Granica” [“Border”];
• supervision and management of the Student Digital Graphics Club at the University of Information Technology in Katowice;
• organizing a competition for students of Graphics of University of Information Technology in Katowice, “Space Avengers”, finding a sponsor fund prizes;
• acting as a coordinator at Graphics Faculty at University of Information Technology in Katowice;
• „21. ASP Katowice. Students of prof. Zbigniewa Blukacza”, Toyota Motor Show, Chorzów, Poland
• „Człowiek Obok Mnie” [“The Man Beside Me”], V Nationwide Review of Contemporary Photography, Mała Galeria Bok Gallery, Białystok, Poland
• IV Jurajski Przegląd Fotografii - photography review, Regional Cultural Center, Częstochowa, Poland
• „Człowiek i jego sztuka” [“Man and his art”], SPAF Gallery – BWA, Kielce, Poland
• „Człowiek i jego sztuka” [“Man and his art”], Federation of Culture Associations „Baza Zbożowa”, Kielce, Poland
• Murcki Community Centre, Katowice, Poland
• “Lithuanian Days in Upper Silesia. On the 100th anniversary of Mikolajus Konstantinas Ciurlionis' stay in Beskidy area”, Silesian Philharmonic, Katowice, Poland
• Murcki Community Centre, Katowice
• „Inspiracje” [“Inspirations”], John Paul's Education Centre, Gliwice, Poland
• „Inspiracje” [“Inspirations”], Coal Mining Museum, Zabrze, Poland
• 21st of March, 5. Student Graphics Biennial, Arsenał Gallery, Poznań, Poland
• „Wystawa Grafiki” [“Graphics Exhibition”], Art Center, Seul, South Korea
• „A jednak grafika” [“And yet the graphics”], New Manege, Moscow, Russia
• „Dialog z cyfrowym cieniem 1” [“Dialogue with digital shadow 1”], Rondo Sztuki, Katowice, Poland
• „Dialog z cyfrowym cieniem 2” [“Dialogue with digital shadow 2”], Oko dla Sztuki 2 Gallery, The Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski University, Kraków, Poland
• „Dialog z cyfrowym cieniem 3” [“Dialogue with digital shadow 3”], Multimedia Gallery „Piwnica”, City Museum, Siemianowice, Poland
• 20th of June– 24th of Sept, „Urbino – Miasto Grafiki” [“Urbino - city of graphics”], City Art Gallery – Ośrodek Propagandy Sztuki, accompanying exhibition, 13. International Triennial of Small Graphic Forms, Łódź, Poland
• 6th of march, 6. Student Graphics Biennial, Arsenał Gallery, Poznań, Poland
• „Dialog z cyfrowym cieniem 4” [“Dialogue with digital shadow 4”], „Pentagon” Gallery, Faculty of Arts of the Radom University of Technology, Radom, Poland
• 17 – 30th of Oct,
Grand Prix of Young Polish Graphics, Contemporary Art Gallery Bunkier Sztuki, Kraków, Poland
• 21st of May – 30th of June, „Katedra Grafiki – Grafik Der Kunstakademie – Katowice”, Galerie Alfred Merkelbach, Düsseldorf, Germany
• 23of June – 22nd of Oct, Matrices – International Electrographic Art Exhibitions of Small Forms, D – yard Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
• 10th of Aug, The First International Festival of Student Visual Art, Saba Museum, Teheran, Iran
• 28th of Aug, 6. International Biennial of Miniature, „Gaude Mater” Gallery, Częstochowa, Poland
• 3-31st of Oct, I International Biennial of Digital Graphics, Gdynia City Museum, Gdynia, Poland
• 7th of Oct – 5th of Nov, „Dialog z cyfrowym cieniem 5” [“Dialogue with digital shadow 5”], Koridor Gallery, Art Department of the University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
• 12th of Nov, 6. International Biennial of Miniature, Stanisław Staszic Museum, Piła, Poland
• 20th of Nov, III Meidner National Graphics Competition, Art and Sport Center, Oleśnica, Poland
• 16th of Dec, I International Digital Media Triennial, Politechnika Radomska Art Gallery, Radom, Poland
• 7-31st of Jan, III Meidner National Graphics Competition, Impart Art Centre, Wrocław, Poland
• 28th of Feb – 8th of March, 7. Student Graphics Biennial, Arsenał City Gallery, Poznań, Poland
• 10-30th of March, „Akademia z Miasta Ogrodów” [Academy of the City of Gardens], Attavanti Gallery, Art and Promotion Centre, Jarosław, Poland
• 11th of March, 6. International Biennial of Miniature, BWA City Gallery, Tarnów, Poland
• May, IV. International Print Competition, Painting and Sculpture Museum Association, Istanbul, Turkey
• 9th of May, Platon Gallery, Wrocław, Poland
• 13-30th of May, 6. International Biennial of Miniature, Bez Podziału Art Gallery, Culture Centre of Zagłębie, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland
• 1st of June, 6. International Biennial of Miniature, Spokojna Gallery, Academy of Fine Arts, Warszawa, Poland
• Aug, 6. International Biennial of Miniature, Art Centre of Nowa Huta, Kraków, Poland
• Sept, 6. International Biennial of Miniature, Art Exhibitions Bureau, Kalisz, Poland
• 6th of Oct – 5th of Dec, V Splitgraphic: International Graphic Art Biennial, Old City Hall, Split, Croatia
• 7-16th of Oct, „Dyplom początek drogi” [“Diploma is a road start”], Internet Biennale of Young Polish Art, Pałac Sztuki, Kraków, Poland
• 15th of Oct, IMPRINT, II Tadeusz Kulisiewicz International Triennial of Graphic Arts, Arkady Kubickiego, Royal Castle, Warszawa, Poland
• Nov, IV Meidner’s National Graphics Competition, Art and Sport City Centre, Oleśnica, Poland
• 22nd of Nov, „Dialog z cyfrowym cieniem 6” [“Dialogue with digital shadow 6”], Aula Gallery, Art University of Poznań, Poznań, Poland
• 11th of Dec, „42. Salon Zimowy” [“42. Winter Saloon”], Pentagon Gallery, Faculty of Arts of the Radom University of Technology, Radom, Poland
• 16th of Dec – 3rd of Jan, IV Graphic Białystok, 7. Student Graphics Biennial, Hall of the Faculty of Architecture of the Białystok University of Technology, Białystok, Poland
• International Triennial of Graphic Art Bitola 2012, Macedonia
• 22nd of Feb – 22nd of March, „GRID. Dialogue with digital shadow 7” [“GRID. Dialogue with digital shadow 7”], Rektorska Gallery, Pałac pod Globusem,Academy of Arts in Szczecin, Poland
• Jan–March, „IMPRINT 2011 – kolekcja grafiki współczesnej” [„IMPRINT 2011 – collection of contemporary graphics”], T.Kulisiewicz Drawing and Graphics Center, District Museum of the Kalisz Region, Kalisz, Poland
• 30th of March, „Koszarowa 19. Katedra Grafiki Wydziału Artystycznego Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Katowicach” [„Koszarowa 19. Graphic Department of the Art Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice”], University Gallery, Zielona Góra, Poland
• 25th of Aug, 7. International Biennial of Miniature, Art Promotion Centre, Częstochowa, Poland
• 15th of Sept, 8. Polish Print Triennial, Art Exhibitions Bureau, Katowice, Poland
• 15th of Sept – 6th of Oct, 7. National Biennial of Student Graphics Poznań 2011, Galeria+ Gallery, Rondo Sztuki, Katowice, Poland
• 21st of Sept, 7. International Print Triennial,„Kolor w grafice. Edycja cyfrowa” [“Color in graphics. Digital Edition”], Wozownia Art Gallery, Poznań, Poland
• 24th of Oct – 23rd of Nov, 7. International Biennial of Miniature, Test Gallery, Warszawa, Poland
• 17th of Nov, V Meidner’s National Graphics Competition, Art and Sport City Centre, Oleśnica, Poland
• 19th of Oct – 18th of Nov, III International Biennial of Digital Graphics, Pomeranian Science and Technology Park, Design Centre, Gdynia, Poland
• 12-26th of Febr, 7. International Biennial of Miniature, Community Centre of Nowa Huta, Kraków, Poland
• 7th of March, 7. International Biennial of Miniature, Art Exhibitions Bureau, Tarnów, Poland
• 8-21st of April, „TRANSGRAFIKA Polscy Artyści w Kolekcji Sztuki im. Mariusza Kazany” [“TRANSGRAPHICS Polish Artists in the Mariusz Kazana Art Collection”], Guangdong Museum of Art, Canton, China
• 7th of may – 10th of June, „Instytut lalki” [“Doll Institute”], Katowice History Museum, Paweł Steller’s Graphics Department, Katowice, Poland
• 8th of May – 18th of June, ,Koszarowa 19 Gallery,an exhibition of works by students of the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice devoted to the work of Witold Lutosławski, Academy of Music in Katowice, Poland
• 8th of June, II International Digital Media Triennial, as part of the Art of Good Energy project/ Art Gives Energy, INDUSTRIADA, Sztygarka, Chorzów, Poland
• 18th of June, „TRANSGRAFIKA Polscy Artyści w Kolekcji Sztuki im. Mariusza Kazany” [“TRANSGRAPHICS Polish Artists in the Mariusz Kazana Art Collection”], Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen, China
• 24th of Sept – 27th of Nov, „Wystawa z okazji 25-lecia istnienia Klubu Pastel pod kierownictwem Krzysztofa Rumina” [“Exhibition on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Pastel Club, directed by Krzysztof Rumin”], „Cafe Silesia” Gallery, City Museum, Zabrze, Poland
• Oct, VI Splitgraphic: International Graphic Art Biennial, Old City Hall, Split, Croatia
• 16th of Oct – 20th of Nov, IV Międzynarodowe Biennale Grafiki Cyfrowej [“International Biennial of Digital Graphics”], Centrum Designu Gallery, Gdynia, Poland
• 27th of Nov – 15th of Dec, „Grafika cyfrowa – zbliżenia” [“Digital graphics - close-ups”], Art Centre in Bielsko, Bielsko–Biała, Poland
• 6–28th of Nov, „10 lat minęło... Najlepszy dyplom 2004–2014” [“10 years have passed… - best diploma od 2004-2014”], International Center for Graphic Arts - Centrum Gallery, Kraków, Poland
• Utazu Art Award 2014, The Arts Center, U Plaza Utazu, Kagawa, Japan
• 14 grudnia, „43.Salon Zimowy” [“43. Winter Saloon”], Museum of Contemporary Art, branch of the jacek Malczewski Museum, Radom, Poland
• 25th of July – 30th of Aug, 2nd Global Print 2015, Alijo, Portugal
• 18.09.2015 – 18.10.2015, Young Grand Prix, Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Basztowa 18, Kraków, Poland
• 25th of Sept, 8. Międzynarodowe Triennale Grafiki „Kolor w grafice. Duety” [8. International Print Triennial “Color in graphics. Duets“], Wozownia Art Gallery, Toruń, Poland
• 2nd of Oct, Polish Print Triennial, Silesian Museum, Katowice, Poland
• 9th of Oct, „Wystawa inauguracyjna 2015/2016” [2015-2016 Inaugural exhibition], Academy of Fine Arts, Katowice, Poland
• 6-30th of Oct, VII Splitgraphic: International Graphic Art Biennial, Stary Ratusz, Split, Croatia
• Dec, HABITAT, graphic exhibition of the Digital Graphics Studio of Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, FORUM Gallery at Fine Arts Department of University of Toruń, Toruń, Poland,
• 16th of April – 24th of May, „Dialog z cyfrowym cieniem X/2016” [“Dialogue with digital shadow X/2016”], graphic exhibition of the Digital Graphics Studio of Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, Gallery of the Institute of Fine Arts of the Jan Długosz Academy in Częstochowa, Poland
• 30th of March - 2nd of April , „UPSTREAM” Themed Portfolio Exchanges, SGCI Conference, „The edge of Yesterday and Tomorrow”, Portland, Oregon, USA
• 23rd of April, Art Award 2016, The Arts Center, U Plaza Utazu, Kagawa, Japan
• 1st of July – 15th of July, „Lenkų grafika Vilniuje / Polish Graphics in Vilnius”, „Arka”Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania
• 10th of Sept – 31st of Oct, 8th International Biennial of Douro, Alijó - Douro, Portugal
• Tychy Art 2016, „Obok” Art Gallery, Tychy, Poland